European Liquid Gas Congress 2024

essential information

Please find below all the relevant information and useful tips for our exhibitors. You may check the resources in preparation of your exhibition display and as a source of future reference.

We look forward to welcoming you to the European Liquid Gas Congress in Lyon in June 2024!


This comprehensive manual contains all the essential technical and practical details related to the exhibition.

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Web shop

The web shop is your one-stop-shop for ordering all the furniture and services you need for your stand once it has been confirmed.


Key deadlines and actions to be respected by exhibitors.


Overview of all the key contacts you need to organise your presence.


Please use this information to best promote your presence at the event via any communication channel you might be currently using.

Shipping and parcel management form

Information about the shipment of the Congress materials.

Technical Floorplan

The most recent technical floorplan of the Exhibition of the European Liguid Gas Congress is available here. To make it easier for you to navigate the venue of the event, this document will be updated on a regular basis.

Disclaimer: This website is currently under construction and some of the information provided may not be complete, accurate, or up to date.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.